Ring of Abundance
"Ring of Abundance" is a work that draws from the patterns on the Ring of Moriya, an important ancient artifact of Suvarnabhumi, believed to date back to the 3rd-8th century Buddhist era. The patterns are rearranged while maintaining the original design, using the technique of animated images to bring the stories recorded on the stone ring back to life. This work aims to connect the art and culture of the past and present, reflecting the long journey of the ring over thousands of years.
The work was modeled and rendered using a 3D program, then 3D printed in plastic and painted to replicate the original.
Through various pieces of evidence showcasing the wealth and prosperity in art, culture, and trade in the land of Suvarnabhumi, the patterns and symbols on the stone ring tell their stories. Upon closer examination, one might see the hidden movements and narratives waiting to be discovered.
Through various pieces of evidence showcasing the wealth and prosperity in art, culture, and trade in the land of Suvarnabhumi, the patterns and symbols on the stone ring tell their stories. Upon closer examination, one might see the hidden movements and narratives waiting to be discovered.
Ring of Abundance from witaya junma on Vimeo.
The "Ring of Moriya" is a stone ring from the Maurya-Sunga period, discovered accidentally during sand dredging in the Tha Taphao River at Khao Sam Kaeo in 2014. It features auspicious symbols of ancient India, including the Triratna, Fertility Goddesses, and Nagapushpa, making it one of the most significant pieces of evidence of the faith and beliefs of Indian culture found in Southeast Asia. The ring is dated to the 3rd-8th century Buddhist era.
The patterns include auspicious animals of India, the Naga Pushpa flower, the Triratna, and the Fertility Goddesses.
“Ring of Abundance” exhibit is a part of the “SILP SUVARNABHUMI & THE MARITIME SILK ROAD” Exhibition , Songkhla Art Center, Songkhla, Thailand
“Ring of Abundance” exhibit is a part of the “SILP SUVARNABHUMI & THE MARITIME SILK ROAD” Exhibition , Songkhla Art Center, Songkhla, Thailand